Wednesday, October 14, 2020

The HSPA Annual Meeting will be held Saturday, October 17th, 2020 at 9 am via Zoom. Email for invitation details.

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Available Officer Positions

We have two declared vacant officer positions  that must be filled at the annual meeting, President and Secretary. All four positions are renewed each year. Treasurer, Carl Harbourt and Vice President, Becky Clements have indicated they will accept reappointments.

Below is a copy of the HSPA By-Laws in which the process and responsibilities are described. If you have any questions about either of these vacant positions feel free to contact me or come to the annual meeting and express your interest.

Jerry Holt
President HSPA

By-Laws of Hancock and Sand Ponds Association

Article 1 – Name

The name of the organization shall be: Hancock and Sand Ponds Association

Article 2 – Purpose

The purpose of the Association shall be to protect water quality and promote sound land use practices of Hancock and Sand Ponds and the adjacent area.

Article 3 – Membership

Membership shall be open to all owners with deeded rights to lakefront property on Hancock or Sand Ponds that are interested in the purpose of the Association. Annual dues cover owners for all properties regardless of the number of properties or size of properties owned.

Article 4– Officers

The officers of the Association shall be a President, Vice-President, Secretary and a Treasurer who shall be elected at the Annual Meeting for a period of one year, or approximately so from one Annual Meeting to the next.

Article 5 – Duties of Officers

President: The President, and in his/her absence the Vice-President, shall preside at all meetings.  Should both President and Vice-President be absent from any meeting, the meeting shall be called to order by the Secretary and a Chairperson pro tempore shall be chosen.  The President shall have general supervision of all the affairs of the Association.  He/she shall appoint all Committee Chairpersons.  He/she shall cause to be called all regular and special meetings of the Association in accordance with these By-Laws.   He/she shall present at each Annual Meeting of the Members a report on the condition, accomplishments, plans, problems and prospects of the Association.  He/she shall sign and make all contracts and agreements on behalf of and in the name of the Association.  He/she shall see that the books, reports, statements and certificates required by statute are properly made, kept and filed according to law.  In general, he/she shall enforce these By-Laws and perform all the duties incident to the position and office, which are required.

Vice-President:  During the absence or inability of the President to render and perform his/her duties or exercise his/her powers, as set forth in these By-Laws or in the acts and under which this Association is organized, the same shall be performed and exercised by the Vice –President, and when so acting, he/she shall have all the powers and be subject to all the responsibilities and limitations herby given to or imposed upon the President.

Secretary:  The Secretary shall keep a record of the business transacted at all meeting of the Association.  He/she shall keep a roll of the members of the Association with their mailing addresses.  He/she shall issue notices of all meetings when so directed by the President.  A provision can be made for a correspondence secretary by the president and the secretary jointly to divide the workload.

Treasurer: The Treasure shall receive and collect all money due the Association from whatever source:  shall make all disbursements, shall keep an account of all receipts and disbursements and submit a report of the same and of the financial condition of the Association at the Annual Meeting of the Members.  Checks written in excess of $500 must be authorized by either the president or another officer.  

Article 6 – Nominations and Elections

The nominating process is done by the membership of the Association serving as a committee of the whole at the Annual Meeting.

Article 7 – Meetings

The Annual Meeting of the Association shall be held on or about the second week in July.  Appointment of time and place for the Annual Meeting shall be decided by the President.  Special meetings of the Association may be called by the President provided written notice of such meeting is mailed to each member not less than ten (10) days before the appointed time of the meeting.

Article 8 – Dues

Dues shall be payable prior to the Annual Meeting.   The amount of dues for the coming year shall be determined by majority vote of the members present at each Annual Meeting.  

Article 9 - Voting Rights

Full payment of annual dues to the Association prior to the commencement of the Annual Meeting defines the owners of one or more properties as one member and entitles the member to voting privileges.   Each member shall possess the right of one vote on all matters put before the membership and in election of Officers. A member must be present at the meeting to vote.

Article 10 – Committees

There shall be the following Standing Committees:  Executive Committee and Dam Committee.  The Executive Committee is composed of the four officers.  The Dam Committee is composed of volunteers who are approved by the membership and the chairperson is approved by the President of the Association.  Temporary Committees may be formed and chairpersons thereon appointed.  Membership on committees is open to all members.

Article 11 – Amendments

The By-Laws may be altered, amended, repealed or added to by a majority vote of the Members present at an Annual meeting.

Article 12 – Dissolution

In the event of the dissolution of the Association, the assets of the Association shall be disposed of by distribution to an organization or organizations that enjoy exempt status in accordance with the provisions of Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954.  Selection of such a recipient will be decided by those members that are able to come together at an Annual Meeting.