Saturday, January 24, 2015

Water Testing - heat maps

The following is from Colin Holme of LEA regarding heat maps of Sand and Hancock ponds.

Hi Hancock and Sand Ponders,
I thought you might be interested in seeing the new temperature data from Hancock and Sand Ponds in another (perhaps more easily digestible) form.  These maps (the first two attachments) show temperature variation in the water column over time. The left hand side of the graph shows the depth from the surface, with the top of the graph representing the top of the pond. Lake layering deepens over time (block of color extends further down) until it breaks down. The uniform color on the right side of the graph indicates lake mixing.  This type of display gives a very quick synopsis of an entire season’s temperature data and when we have data from a couple years, it will be easy to see big differences that are likely one of the primary drivers responsible for changes in algae growth. This type of detailed data is only possible because of the new sensors that were put in last year. Feel free to pass this on to anyone interested.
I also attached our full temperature and gloeotrichia report (the 3rd and 4th attachments) from 2014 for those of you who did not see them yet.  Previously posted in this blog December 2014. Scroll down this page and you will see the other water quality testing reports.
Thanks for all the help in making this possible.

Colin Holme
Lakes Environmental Association

 Sand Pond Heat Map  click here

Hancock Pond Heat Map click here