Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Water Level

I checked the Dam gate Saturday am and the gate was wide open.  These 3 and 4 inch storms are becoming the norm and will cause us to reconsider past practice as a guide for present day management of the dam.


1 comment:

  1. We have discussed the water level ad nauseum. We have had an engineer inspect the dam and dam operation several years ago. He STRONGLY recommended we leave the dam alone....open the gate 2 inches in May and keep it there. When the lake was being drained prior, the secchi disk readings were poor, Oxygen levels were declining.. All water quality indicators have improved since we have heeded the engineers advice. Phosphorus concentrations are from unmaintained septics and lawn treatments, not water levels. We have voted on the issue of water levels. Its been decided. We consulted an engineer that recommended the proper way to maintain water quality. There is absolutely NO REASON to return to the past mistake of low water levels.
